
My name is Euan, and I live in Gloucestershire with my partner (soon to be husband) and our three cats.

A few years ago, I bought a book called Biscotti by Mona Talbott and Mirella Misenti. It wasn’t long before I was spending every Saturday morning making some new and delicious Italian biscuit. They were a hit with my partner, and after a while he started calling me Signor Biscotti. Hence the title of this blog.

I intend to write about all my baking experiences, not just with biscotti, but with almost anything else I have a go at baking. Actually, I’m not even going to promise that it will always be baking. Or even Italian. Apple Pie, Sourdough, Amaretti, Pasta with Pistachio… who knows what I’ll do next?

19 thoughts on “About”

  1. My Italian Smörgåsbord (Aka Barbara) said:

    such a cute story!
    haven’t come here for a while and I am astonished at all the wonderful baking goods you wrote about. and I love your pictures too!
    can we share recipes? 🙂 xxx

  2. Giovanna said:

    What a beautifully photographed blog! I stumbled upon it whilst looking for biscotti recipes which I can make which are lactose free and egg yolk free. I think I might be able to modify some of your recipes. Will see how I go. Will try the ciambelle recipe!

    • Thanks Giovanna. I think both the Biscotti al pistachio and Biscotti alle mandorle amare are lactose and egg yolk free. And you could use white wine in place of the milk in the ciambelline, as the original recipe used that.

  3. Ciao, ho scoperto il tuo blog che mi piace tantissimo, anche perchè adoro i biscotti, che preferisco farli da me così almeno so cosa ci metto dentro.
    Inoltre faccio un po’ di esercizio con l’inglese.
    Complimenti e a presto.

  4. What a wonderful Blog, you put me to shame with mine,
    Love the recipes, I have now saved you to my Favourites and will have a look each day while having a cuppa

    Found you while googling for a recipe for Ginger Curd, Up pops your site

    I hope you don’t mine I have copied it and will be trying it out this week, Also shared it with a lovely Face Book site we have over here in France called LIFT – Ladies in France Together. I also mentioned your blog and suggested the Ladies have a look at it.

  5. One of the loveliest blogs on baking I’ve seen, and I share your passion for Italian baking…I just wish mine would look as good as yours. I’m looking forward to more all the way over here in Australia.

  6. Hi there,
    I just discovered your blog while I was doing some research about the history of Greek foods. Your photography and recipes are stunning!
    I would like your permission to use your photo for the Greek Easter bread and, of course, I will give all credit and links back to you. I am writing a post about Greek foods and I’d love to include your beautiful blog.
    Thanks for your consideration. Have a wonderful day.


    • Thanks for your kind words Robyn and thanks for checking out with me about use of my photo. I am happy to agree to that and appreciate your undertaking to credit and link back. I look forward to seeing your post 🙂

  7. Dear Euan, Thank you for the trouble you have gone to in sharing your beautiful baking experiences. I enjoy baking and would very much like to try some of your recipes. May I do so? I would not directly share your recipes with anyone, although should anyone ask me for your recipe(s), I would direct that person to your blog and inform that person that he or she must ask your permission to use your recipe. Thank you for considering my request.

  8. Hello, I work for a book publisher and we are interested in potentially using one of your photographs on the cover of a book. I can’t seem to find any contact info for you, when you have a moment can you please let me know of any contact info so we can discuss further?

  9. I just came across your blog while searching for variations on hot cross buns and just wanted to say how fantastic your blog looks. Your bread-making skills are making me very envious!

    • Thank you Sophia, there’s some pretty impressive bread on your blog too! Not to mention other things; the German gingerbread for example are telling me I must make them!

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